The Hickman County School System has four Pre-K classes funded through the Tennessee Voluntary Pre-Kindergarten Program, two at Centerville Elementary and two at East Hickman Elementary. All children must be four years of age on or before August 15, 2025, to qualify for attendance during the 2025-2026 school year. Students must also meet the definition of economically disadvantaged in order to be considered for initial enrollment in the program. Space will be limited to 20 in each class.
Beginning the Year
Pre-K teachers have the responsibility of identifying the child’s needs in language, cognition, gross motor, fine motor, and social skills. During the first two weeks of school, only a small group of students will attend each day. The small numbers will provide teachers with time to personalize their relationship with the students and accustom the students to the school in a small group setting. Pre-testing of skills and literacy will also be completed during these limited class days.
The Importance of Pre-Kindergarten Parental Involvement Parental involvement can strengthen the parents’ ability to support their children and reinforce the learning that occurs in the classroom. The following family engagement components will be implemented for the parents of Pre-K students:
Two parent-teacher conferences will be required; additional conferences will be scheduled as needed.
There will be several after-school activities throughout the year. We encourage you to attend these with your child as much as possible.
A background check is required for any volunteers.

VPK Application Packets
Pick up an application packet beginning April 1st at CES or EHES as well as our public libraries. You can also find them here to print as well.