Family Resource Center

Welcome to the Hickman County Family Resource Centers
at East Hickman & Centerville
The Resource Centers are very involved with students, as well, as the community.
Some of the programs the Centers provide are:
*Freshman Orientation for all in-coming 9th graders
*3rd Grade Orientation
*6th Grade Orientation
*Adopt-A-Class–local businesses and organizations “adopt” classrooms at local elementary and intermediate schools.
*Preschool-In-A-Bag and Toddler Time for children ages 2 years – 5 years of age. Free educational materials and story hour are provided weekly at the East Hickman Public Library.
Students receive a packet of fun educational worksheets and crafts to work on at home with the parent.
*Toddler Time is every Tuesday at 9:30 a.m.
*Preschool-In-A-Bag is every Thursday at 9:30 a.m.
*Many other services are offered for teachers, students and parents.